What is ?

ERP-class IT tool supporting catering processes, central sourcing, sales, controlling, as well as quality and security management…

Remote functions of: planning, recipe and menu design, sourcing, storage and central kitchen management, as well as fiscal sales, analytics and controlling…

Online synchronisation of data with popular ERP systems, as well as possibility of customisation and configuration according to the customer demand

in real time will provide you with answers to the questions:

Planowanie produkcji

How to plan production (e.g. number, and types of meals)?

How much, of what and where we need to deliver?

What are the quality requirements (e.g. concerning ingredients, allergens ….)?

How to optimise fulfilment of these requirements using the existing stock and purchasing unit?

Koszty produkcji

How much did the today’s production cost?

What is our today’s margin on production?

source to settle

Do we follow each stage of the S2S (Source-to-Settle) procedures?

Are the invoice prices same as negotiated in the purchasing contract price-lists?

gospodarka magazynowa

Does stock management follow the storage rule (e.g. FIFO)?

Did we reduces inventories according to the company’s policy and targets?

How many SKU’s we use for our production?


How do fiscal cash registers function in each and every location serviced by the company?

What was a structure of orders/sale in the past week?

Was the marketing campaign a success?

How our new loyalty program is doing?

rozliczenia z kontrahentami

What is the status of settlements with the contractors?

Do we have right data to issue an invoice and attach required specification?

raport zamówienia

Can I send a required report on a delivery to a client today?

Can I provide a client with a detailed information on the composition of the products and fulfilment of the quality requirements?


Have the targets and KPI’s in the various, geographically dispersed business sites been achieved?

How are we positioned against the competition benchmarks?

allows one to manage processes:


Key functionalities

ACS® satisfied users

Aspen Polska

• Szpital im. Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
• Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie
• Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Krakowie
• Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Puszczykowie
• Szpital Miejski w Sosnowcu
• Szpital Powiatowy im. Edmunda Biernackiego w Mielcu
• Szpital MSWiA w Krakowie
• Wojewódzki Specjalistyczny Szpital Dziecięcy im. św. Ludwika w Krakowie

Sodexo Polska

• Szpital Specjalistyczny św. Wojciecha w Gdańsku
• Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny w Warszawie

Sodexo Czech Republic

• Vítkovická Nemocnice a. s. Ostrava – Vítkovice

Inpol Sp. Z o.o.

• Makro Cash & Carry Polska S.A. Olsztyn
• IKEA Olsztyn
• Michelin Olsztyn

• Del Papa - restauracja Kraków
• Fresh Mexican Grill - restauracja Poznań
• Vanguard Agencja Ochrony Janki k-Warszawy
• Polfra Agencja Ochrony Janki k- Warszawy
• Czorsztyn-Ski Ośrodek narciarski Kluszkowce
• Best Brands Kraków
• Gazobudowa Kraków

Klient pierwszy
Klient drugi
Klient trzeci
Klient czwarty
Klient piąty