a-Co. Ltd. was founded in 2005. Its premier task was to develop IT tools for the process management in food-service, facility-management ‘wide-area’, multiple-site enterprises providing services for the healthcare, facility-management and security.
The company is proud of its successful implementations of the proprietary ERP-class IT system ACS®. This system allows one to remotely run complex food, sourcing, storage, delivery and accounting business processes. It supports management of the geographically dispersed central-kitchen catering systems, restaurant chains and storage sites. It allows, independently of business location: centralised sourcing, storage management, menu-planning and pricing, management of production, fiscal sales in distributed sites (POS), coordinated marketing campaigns, management of catering events, centralised dietitians support and more.
The ACS® system is constantly perfected. The company, when licencing its products, permanently cares for its clients. It is appreciated for its good cooperation with the clients and individualised response to their needs and expectations. The system may be applied with the companies making business world-wide (and definitely country-wide). It is virtually independent of the location and distances among the company’s headquarter and its individual business sites.
ACS® is modular and flexibly adjustable to the requirements of specific businesses.
Implementations of ACS® range from key Polish renowned healthcare operators to fast-food franchise chains, individual city-centre restaurants, catering and facility-management companies. The clients range from international brands: Sodexo, Atalian, Aspen, through university hospitals in Gdansk and Krakow, to Czorsztyn-Ski resort and Expo Centre in Kraków.
It can be integrated with the popular ERP and accounting systems (including SAP and MS Dynamics).
The company based its growth on a multi-professional team of network and software engineers through outsourcing professionals
a-Co. Ltd has its own colocation centre and offers trustful hosting services.